
വിക്കിചൊല്ലുകൾ സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്

ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുക: സേവ് ചെയ്തശേഷം മാറ്റങ്ങൾ കാണാനായി താങ്കൾക്ക് ബ്രൗസറിന്റെ കാഷെ ഒഴിവാക്കേണ്ടി വന്നേക്കാം.

  • ഫയർഫോക്സ് / സഫാരി: Reload ബട്ടൺ അമർത്തുമ്പോൾ Shift കീ അമർത്തി പിടിക്കുകയോ, Ctrl-F5 അല്ലെങ്കിൽ Ctrl-R (മാക്കിന്റോഷിൽ ⌘-R ) എന്ന് ഒരുമിച്ച് അമർത്തുകയോ ചെയ്യുക
  • ഗൂഗിൾ ക്രോം: Ctrl-Shift-R (മാക്കിന്റോഷിൽ ⌘-Shift-R ) അമർത്തുക
  • ഇന്റർനെറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്ലോറർ: Refresh ബട്ടൺ അമർത്തുമ്പോൾ Ctrl കീ അമർത്തിപിടിക്കുക. അല്ലെങ്കിൽ Ctrl-F5 അമർത്തുക
  • ഓപ്പറ: Menu → Settings എടുക്കുക (മാക്കിൽ Opera → Preferences) എന്നിട്ട് Privacy & security → Clear browsing data → Cached images and files ചെയ്യുക.
/* Script:  [[w:User:TheDJ/Gadget-HotCat.js]]
  * HotCat: Adds an easy way to add, modify and remove categories 
  * Documentation: [[User:TheDJ/HotCat]]
  * Originally written by: Magnus Manske
  * This version was forked from http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js&oldid=10204404
  * Major changes:
  *   - blacklist code is disabled.
  *   - all code for the uploadForm has been removed
  *   - autocommit is disabled
  *   - will be enabled on pages without categories so that you can easily add them
  *   - uses javascript:void() as a dummy value for href in order to avoid a conflict with popups.
  *   - checks for {{Uncategorized}} and removes it if a category is added
  *   - does not use JSconfig for configuration options like its Commons original
  *   - tries to detect other categories and if possible, add to the end of them.
  *   - fixes a bug in the suggestion list with titles containing : character
  *   - Uses opensearch API to look for categories. Allows for case insensitive search.
  * [[User:TheDJ]] 2008-03-12
  <source lang="javascript"><nowiki> */
var hotcat_running = 0 ;
var hotcat_last_v = "" ;
var hotcat_exists_yes = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/P_yes.svg/20px-P_yes.svg.png" ;
var hotcat_exists_no = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/P_no.svg/20px-P_no.svg.png" ;
var hotcat_no_autocommit = 0;
// In Commons hotcat_suggestion_delay is configurable trough JSconfig
var hotcat_suggestion_delay = 100;
var hotcat_old_onsubmit = null;
var hotcat_nosuggestions = false;
// hotcat_nosuggestions is set to true if we don't have XMLHttp! (On IE6, XMLHttp uses
// ActiveX, and the user may deny execution.) If true, no suggestions will ever be
// displayed, and there won't be any checking whether the category  exists.
// Lupo, 2008-01-20
var hotcat_modify_blacklist = new Array (
) ;
addOnloadHook ( hotcat ) ;
function hotcat () {
  if ( hotcat_check_action() ) return ; // Edited page, reloading anyway
  // Do not add interface to protected pages, if user has no edit permission
  // Also disable it on preview pages: on a preview, we *are* already editing,
  // and HotCat must not open the page for editing a second time. Lupo, 2008-02-27
  if( wgAction != "view" || document.getElementById('ca-viewsource' ) != null ||
      wgNamespaceNumber == -1 || wgNamespaceNumber == 10 )
  // If we have no Categories div, then add one
  // TheDJ, 2008-02-28
  var visible_catlinks = document.getElementById ('mw-normal-catlinks') || getElementsByClassName ( document , "p" , "catlinks" ) [0];
  var hidden_catlinks = document.getElementById ('mw-hidden-catlinks');
  if ( visible_catlinks == null || typeof( visible_catlinks ) == 'undefined' ) {
    d3 = document.createElement ( "div" );
    d3.id = "mw-normal-catlinks";
    d3.innerHTML = '<a href="/wiki/Special:Categories" title="Special:Categories">Categories</a>: ';
    visible_catlinks = d3;
    if ( hidden_catlinks ) {
      // There are hidden categories.
      hidden_catlinks.parentNode.insertBefore( d3, hidden_catlinks );
      hidden_catlinks.parentNode.className = "catlinks";
    } else {
      // This page has no categories at all, lets create a section where we can add them.
      var footer = getElementsByClassName ( document , "div" , "printfooter" ) [0];
      if( !footer ) return; // We have no idea where we should add this.
      d1 = document.createElement ( "div" );
      d1.id = "catlinks";
      d1.className = "catlinks";
      d1.appendChild ( d3 );
      footer.parentNode.insertBefore( d1, footer.nextSibling );
  hotcat_modify_existing ( visible_catlinks ) ;
  hotcat_append_add_span ( visible_catlinks ) ;
function hotcat_append_add_span ( catline ) {
  var span_add = document.createElement ( "span" ) ;
  var span_sep = document.createTextNode ( " | " ) ;
  if ( catline.getElementsByTagName("span")[0] ) catline.appendChild ( span_sep ) ;
  catline.appendChild ( span_add ) ;
  hotcat_create_span ( span_add ) ;
String.prototype.ucFirst = function () {
   return this.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + this.substr(1,this.length);
function hotcat_is_on_blacklist ( cat_title ) {
  if ( !cat_title ) return 0 ;
  cat_title = cat_title.ucFirst.replace( /Category:/gi, "" );
  for ( var i = 0 ; i < hotcat_modify_blacklist.length ; i++ ) {
    if ( cat_title.substr ( 0 , hotcat_modify_blacklist[i].length ) == hotcat_modify_blacklist[i] ) return 1 ;
  return 0 ;
function hotcat_modify_span ( span , i ) {
  //var cat_title = span.firstChild.getAttribute ( "title" ) ;
  // This fails with MW 1.13alpha if the category is a redlink, because MW 1.13alpha appends
  // [[MediaWiki:Red-link-title]] to the category name... it also fails if the category name
  // contains "&" (because that is represented by &amp; in the XHTML both in the title and in
  // the link's content (innerHTML). Extract the category name from the href instead:
  var cat_title = null;
  var classes   = span.firstChild.getAttribute ('class');
  if (classes && classes.search (/\bnew\b/) >= 0) {  // href="/w/index.php?title=...&action=edit"
    cat_title = hotcatGetParamValue ('title', span.firstChild.href);
  } else { // href="/wiki/..."
    var re = new RegExp (wgArticlePath.replace (/\$1/, '(.*)'));
    var matches = re.exec (span.firstChild.href);
    if (matches && matches.length > 1)
      cat_title = decodeURIComponent (matches[1]);
  // Strip namespace, replace _ by blank
  cat_title = cat_title.substring (cat_title.indexOf (':') + 1).replace (/_/g, ' ');
  var sep1 = document.createTextNode ( " " ) ;
  var a1 = document.createTextNode ( "(-)" ) ;
  var remove_link = document.createElement ( "a" ) ;
  // Set the href to a dummy value to make sure we don't move if somehow the onclick handler
  // is bypassed.
  remove_link.className = "noprint";
  remove_link.href = "#catlinks";
  remove_link.onclick = hotcat_remove;
  remove_link.appendChild ( a1 ) ;
  span.appendChild ( sep1 ) ;
  span.appendChild ( remove_link ) ;
  // Disabled blacklist check TheDJ, 2008-02-28
  // if ( hotcat_is_on_blacklist ( cat_title ) ) return ;
  var mod_id = "hotcat_modify_" + i ;
  var sep2 = document.createTextNode ( " " ) ;
  var a2 = document.createTextNode ( "(±)" ) ;
  var modify_link = document.createElement ( "a" ) ;
  modify_link.id = mod_id ;
  modify_link.className = "noprint";
  modify_link.href = "javascript:hotcat_modify(\"" + mod_id + "\");" ;
  modify_link.appendChild ( a2 ) ;
  span.appendChild ( sep2 ) ;
  span.appendChild ( modify_link ) ;
  span.hotcat_name = cat_title; //Store the extracted category name in our own new property of the span DOM node
function hotcat_modify_existing ( catline ) {
  var spans = catline.getElementsByTagName ( "span" ) ;
  for ( var i = 0 ; i < spans.length ; i++ ) {
    hotcat_modify_span ( spans[i] , i ) ;
function hotcat_getEvt (evt) {
  return evt || window.event || window.Event; // Gecko, IE, Netscape
function hotcat_evt2node (evt) {
  var node = null;
  try {
    var e = hotcat_getEvt (evt);
    node = e.target;
    if (!node) node = e.srcElement;
  } catch (ex) {
    node = null;
  return node;
function hotcat_evtkeys (evt) {
  var code = 0;
  try {
    var e = hotcat_getEvt (evt);
    if (typeof(e.ctrlKey) != 'undefined') { // All modern browsers
      if (e.ctrlKey)  code |= 1;
      if (e.shiftKey) code |= 2;
      if (e.altKey) code |= 4;
    } else if (typeof (e.modifiers) != 'undefined') { // Netscape...
      if (e.modifiers & Event.CONTROL_MASK) code |= 1;
      if (e.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK)   code |= 2;
      if (e.modifiers & Event.ALT_MASK)   code |= 4;
  } catch (ex) {
  return code;
function hotcat_killEvt (evt)
  try {
    var e = hotcat_getEvt (evt);
    if (typeof (e.preventDefault) != 'undefined') {
    } else
      e.cancelBubble = true;
  } catch (ex) {
function hotcat_remove (evt) {
  var node = hotcat_evt2node (evt);
  if (!node) return false;
  // Get the category name from the original link to the category
  var cat_title = node.parentNode.hotcat_name;
  var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
  if ((hotcat_evtkeys (evt) & 1) || (hotcat_evtkeys (evt) & 4 )) // CTRL or ALT pressed?
    editlk = editlk + '&hotcat_nocommit=1';
  hotcat_killEvt (evt);
  document.location = editlk + '&hotcat_removecat=' + encodeURIComponent(cat_title) ;
  return false;
function hotcatGetParamValue(paramName, h) {
  if (typeof h == 'undefined' ) { h = document.location.href; }
  var cmdRe=RegExp('[&?]'+paramName+'=([^&]*)');
  var m=cmdRe.exec(h);
  if (m) {
    try {
      return decodeURIComponent(m[1]);
    } catch (someError) {}
  return null;
// New. Code by Lupo & Superm401, added by Lupo, 2008-02-2007
function hotcat_find_category (wikitext, category)
  var cat_name  = category.replace(/([\\\^\$\.\?\*\+\(\)])/g, "\\$1");
  var initial   = cat_name.substr (0, 1);
  var cat_regex = new RegExp ("\\[\\[\\s*[Cc]ategory\\s*:\\s*"
                              + (initial == "\\"
                                 ? initial
                                 : "[" + initial.toUpperCase() + initial.toLowerCase() + "]")
                              + cat_name.substring (1).replace (/[ _]/g, "[ _]")
                              + "\\s*(\\|.*?)?\\]\\]", "g"
  var result = new Array ();
  var curr_match  = null;
  while ((curr_match = cat_regex.exec (wikitext)) != null) {
    result [result.length] = {match : curr_match};
  return result; // An array containing all matches, with positions, in result[i].match
// New. Code by TheDJ, 2008-03-12
function hotcat_find_ins ( wikitext )
  var re = /\[\[(?:Category):[^\]]+\]\]/ig
  var index = -1;
  while( re.exec(wikitext) != null ) index = re.lastIndex;
  if( index > -1) return index;
  //we should try to find interwiki links here, but that's for later.
  return -1;
// Rewritten (nearly) from scratch. Lupo, 2008-02-27
function hotcat_check_action () {
  var ret = 0;
  if (wgAction != 'edit' || typeof(document.editform) == "undefined" ) return ret; // Not an edit page, so not our business...
  var summary = new Array () ;
  var t = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value ;
  var prevent_autocommit = 0;
  if (   (typeof (hotcat_no_autocommit) != "undefined" && hotcat_no_autocommit)
      || hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_nocommit') == '1')
    prevent_autocommit = 1;
  var cat_rm  = hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_removecat');
  var cat_add = hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_newcat');
  var comment = hotcatGetParamValue ('hotcat_comment') || "";
  var cat_key